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OPRA Request Form - 2024

Mayor Mohamed T. Khairullah
Borough of Prospect Park

You may use this form to request public records.

Privacy Disclaimer: An OPRA request for access to a government record is itself public information. Therefore, the person requesting access to the government record should be aware that the information on the form provided may be disclosed.

Online Steps


OPRA request form


Create OPRA number


Borough assigns to correct department


Staff to review request


Fee Payment

Email - No charge
Letter size pages - $0.05 per page
Legal size pages - $0.07 per page
Other materials (CD, DVD, etc) – actual cost of materialDelivery/postage fees additional depending upon delivery type.
Extras - Special service charge dependent upon request.

The custodian may require a deposit against costs for reproducing documents sought through an anonymous request whenever the custodian anticipates that the documents requested will cost in excess of $5 to reproduce.

Where a special service charge is warranted under OPRA, that amount will be communicated to you as required under the statute. You have the opportunity to review and object to the charge prior to it being incurred. If, however, you approve of the fact and amount of the special service charge, you may be required to pay a deposit or pay in full prior to reproduction of the documents.


Fee payment


Department send records to requestor

Or requestor notified if cannot be completed